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Diverse studii arata ca aproximativ o cincime dintre adulti experimenteaza un tip de durere articulara in fiecare luna. In functie de severitatea simptomelor, puteti alege sa va lasati durerea articulara in cea mai mare parte netratata sau puteti sa apelati la medicamente pentru a face fata durerilor. Pentru ameliorarea durerii se pot folosi medicamente antiinflamatorii nesteroidiene (AINS) precum ibuprofenul sau naproxenul, insa acestea pot provoca diverse reactii adeverse, daca sunt luate pe termen lung. Toate medicamentele antiinflamatorii necesita o monitorizare atenta de catre specialisti. In timp ce fac sa scada durerea, riscurile unor efecte secundare depasesc adesea beneficiile. Indiferent daca o simtiti in genunchi, umar, gat, solduri,...

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Although melons are believed to have originated in India, galia melon is actually a hybrid cultivar of cantaloupe and honeydew melon, which was produced in Israel. The scientific name of galia melons is Cucumis melo var. reticulatus, and it is very closely related to the two melons from which it originated. The outer husk is very similar to the pattern and texture of a cantaloupe, but the inner fruity flesh is light yellow to green in color, like a honeydew melon. The taste of galia melons is a unique combination of a cantaloupe and honeydew melon, which many people enjoy....

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The health benefits of prickly pear include its ability to lower cholesterol levels, improve the digestive process, decrease the risk of diabetes, boost the immune system, and stimulate bone growth. The antioxidant-rich fruit also helps strengthen blood vessels, aid in weight loss, and reduce inflammation.   🌵What is Prickly Pear?   Prickly pear or cactus fruit is the common name of the fruit that grows on top of the leaves of Nopales cacti. Spread throughout North and South America, about 200 different species of Nopales (Opuntia) cacti are found, all of which have some form of this prickly pear fruit,...

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  Rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, raspberries are delicious fruits with many health benefits. They have a high concentration of ellagic acid, a phenolic compound that helps lower the risk of cancer.   The oil from raspberries has a sun protection factor. Furthermore, it helps prevent obesity and fatty liver disease and also has anti-aging properties. By improving your immune system, these berries look after your overall health. These are easy to include in your diet. Raspberries can be included in your diet by using them in recipes, eating them raw, or adding them chilled to your drinks. Except...

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Papaya is among the most popular foods in the world, known for its luscious, juicy taste. It is grown all over the world and is especially popular in tropical and sub-tropical areas. Although it is today more commonly associated with Asian food, the papaya is actually native to the Americas. Also known as pawpaw or papaw, the scientific name of papaya is Carica papaya.   Why You Should Eat Papaya?  Papaya is packed with nutritional benefits, aiding digestion, weight-loss, improving immunity and heart health. Apart from its dietary role, papaya is also used in many unexpected ways. The whole fruit,...

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