Surprising Benefits Of Drinking Amla Juice – Affakan
Surprising Benefits Of Drinking Amla Juice

Surprising Benefits Of Drinking Amla Juice


Ever heard of amla juice? If you haven’t, then take note, as it has a host of excellent health benefits. The most notable benefits of amla juice include treating cough and cold, helping to lower cholesterol levels, regulating blood sugar levels, optimizing digestion, and treating respiratory infections. It also minimizes signs of aging, prevents chronic disease, stimulates the immune system and promotes growth and development, among others.


What is Amla Juice?


Amla juice is the juice of the amla berry, often referred to as Indian gooseberry. Scientifically known as Phyllanthus emblica, this tree bears the amla berries, which are pale green and translucent. The amla berry has been used in culinary and medicinal applications for thousands of years. However, the taste of the berry is quite bitter, which is why its use as a fruit juice may not be readily apparent. However, given the incredible range of nutrients and antioxidants found in amla juice, it is increasing in popularity.


Amla juice possesses high levels of vitamin C and other antioxidants can be found in the form of oil, tea, powder, capsules, and spice. It is a rich source of other active ingredients including ellagitannins, flavonoids, kaempferol, and gallic acid, all of which can have extensive impacts on human health.


Health Benefits of Amla Juice


Let’s have a look at the most important health benefits of amla juice in detail:


Treats Cold and Cough


Given its high levels of vitamin C and other antioxidants, as mentioned, amla juice can help treat cough, cold, flu, and even mouth ulcers. Mix two teaspoons of amla juice with an equal amount of honey, and consume it to get rid of a cough and cold more quickly. For mouth ulcers, mix 2 teaspoons with water, and gargle twice a day.


Lowers Cholesterol Levels


A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology shows that cholesterol levels can be lowered effectively by the regular consumption of amla juice. In fact, it is now being incorporated into more treatment strategies due to its uniquely high levels of key antioxidants. This study focused on lipid levels in an animal population, so further research is needed, however, these findings are promising!


Controls Diabetes


In reasonable quantities, amla juice has the ability to provide energy while also regulating blood glucose levels, which can help diabetics control their blood sugar levels and prevent dangerous drops and spikes. A research study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition shows the favorable results that amla juice can have.


Improves Respiratory Health


Intake of amla juice has historically been used to improve respiratory health such as asthma. Why? It is known to soothe inflammation and address underlying infections in your respiratory tracts.


Aids in Digestion


The fiber present in amla juice helps boost your digestive health. While too much will cause constipation, a moderate amount of this juice can cut down on gastric inflammation and stimulate normal bowel movements.